How To Create FTF BY FlashTool

  1. open Sony Flashtool.
  2. Now in Flashtool, click on Tools > Bundles > FILESET Decrypt.
  3. A small window will open up. Now in the source, select the folder where you downloaded Firmware.
  4. Once you select the source folder, the FILES will be listed in the “Available” box.
  5. Now select all FILES and push them into the “Files To Convert” box.
  6. Now click on “Convert”  and conversion will begin.
  7. Now select the click on the empty bar in front of the device from the device selector, enter firmware region/operator and enter firmware build number.
  8. Click on Create now.
  9. Sit back and wait for the FTF creation to finish.
  10. Once done, you can find your FTF in the installation directory > Flashtool > Firmwares.